I’ve got a notice of intention to refuse my visa application, what can I do?
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) will send…
What does a bridging visa mean for you?
A ‘bridging visa’ is a temporary visa, allowing you (a non-citizen)…
The character requirement for visa applications: will you meet the criteria?
To be granted entry to Australia whether temporarily or permanently,…
How can I add a secondary applicant to my 457 Temporary Business (Long Stay) (subclass 457) visa?
Secondary visa applicants are members of the main visa applicant’s…
Are you currently in Australia on a temporary 457 visa or have an employer willing to sponsor you? If so, you might be eligible for a 187 permanent residence visa!
Temporary Residence Transition Stream
If you are currently in…
Have you unknowingly employed an illegal worker? What you need to know to avoid liability
If you are employing foreign nationals, it is important you are…
Interested in the Employer Nomination Scheme Subclass 186 Visa? Be mindful of these hidden traps
Subclass 186 visas are for skilled workers from outside Australia…
457 Visa Changes effective as of 1 July 2012
What are the 457 visa changes as of 1st July 2012?
The Law Council of Australia’s Submission to Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers
In response to the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers call for submissions…
New Procedures for Employer Nominations under RSMS
As of July 01 2012, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship…