
The latest on Australian Visas and immigration

Refused Visa Application

What is this notice saying? If the Department of Immigration…

Seeking Qualified Motorcycle Mechanic looking to immigrate to Australia

One of our clients, a motorcycle retailer with a repair workshop…

I’ve got a notice of intention to refuse my visa application, what can I do?

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) will send…

What does a bridging visa mean for you?

A ‘bridging visa’ is a temporary visa, allowing you (a non-citizen)…

The character requirement for visa applications: will you meet the criteria?

To be granted entry to Australia whether temporarily or permanently,…

How can I add a secondary applicant to my 457 Temporary Business (Long Stay) (subclass 457) visa?

Secondary visa applicants are members of the main visa applicant’s…

Ready when you are

Join the thousands of other successful visa applicants we’ve helped